Imperial Sewers
The Imperial Sewers are a vast and ancient network of drains and cisterns providing basic sanitation for the city above. Deeper still are ancient Ayleid ruins—long-forgotten structures, hidden by centuries of neglect. The sewers have always served as a haven for beasts and bandits, but now Molag Bal has taken over. Feared Daedric lieutenants patrol the halls, looking for victims and secrets tucked away beneath the White-Gold Tower.
The massive Imperial Sewers are a network of subterranean passageways and canals that span the entirety of the Imperial City. Here are some of the things you’ll find while exploring the Sewers:
- Entrance to White-Gold Tower
- Entrance to each of the Imperial City alliance bases
- Ladders that connect to every district
- Patrolling Xivkyn Generals
- Boss monsters
- Trove Scamps and Cunning Scamps
- A special event in the Barathrum Centrata, at the center of the Sewers
To find out more about Imperial City including districts, dungeons, and other areas, be sure to read our Imperial City Map and Areas Guide.