Are there raids in ESOTU?

Q: Are there raids in ESOTU?

In Elder Scrolls Online raids are called “Trials“, and there are three different ones.

  • First one is Aetherian Archives, a fun and fairly easy raid with the Mage as last boss.
  • Second is Hel Ra Citadel, an ancient Yokudan fortress in southwestern Craglorn.
  • And third is Sanctum Ophidia, an ancient Nedic temple in northern Craglorn.

Trials are designed for 12-man groups, and it’s recommended you read at least the basic boss tactics before you join a raid. They’re not overly difficult to complete even with PUGs, but it does still take some coordination, knowledge, and equipment. First couple of bosses especially in Aetherian Archives (AA) can easily be farmed for certain set pieces.

In ESO trials are also quite quick. You don’t need to dedicate 3-4 hours just to complete one, as a normal run with a below average group shouldn’t last more than an hour. Experienced guilds are completing it at around 20 minutes.

There are almost always public groups farming trials (mostly AA), and simply keeping track of zone chat in Craglorn can get you into one very quickly, especially if you’re a healer or good DPS. If a group wants to do a full clear of the trial, unfortunately most of the time they are looking for experienced players who have completed the clear achievements.

If you have trouble getting into those groups I’d recommend joining a good guild, as it will surely allow you to find groups even easier and join their voice chat which should make the whole run go smoother since they can more easily explain boss tactics.

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