Eastmarch is a Ebonheart Pact zone containing 16 skyshards. We have included a map of Eastmarch below with every skyshard marked: indicated with blue are skyshards you can find above ground, and marked with red are underground ones.
Here’s a few notes to aid in your skyshard-finding adventures:
- Outside behind a stone.
- Inside Frigid Grotto public dungeon after the boss.
- Outside Fort Amol next to a bridge.
- Go up the hill just before you enter Fort Morvunskar.
- Just before Bonestrewn Crest between two mammoth tusks.
- Inside Hall of the Dead public dungeon, behind the boss.
- Northwest of the entrance to The Chill Hollow public dungeon.
- Inside Chill Hollow dungeon, next to the boss.
- Outside, easily spotted when you come near.
- Inside Icehammer’s Vault public dungeon.
- Outdoors in ruins of Mzulft.
- Largest room inside Old Sord’s Cave public dungeon.
- Outside on the farm.
- In Stormcrag Crypt public dungeon.
- Jorunn’s Stand camp, take the passage through an open tent.
- Inside Bastard’s Tomb public dungeon.
If you still have any questions about locations and can’t find certain sky shards, be sure to ask in the comments for more detailed explanations.