Maps below contain the locations of all skyshards in Northern and Southern Elsweyr zones. Northern Elsweyr contains a total of 18 skyshards, 10 of which are above ground and 8 in delves. Southern Elsweyr (Pellitine) contains 6 skyshards, two of which are in delves.
Indicated with blue numbers are outdoor skyshards, and indicated with red are indoor ones (in delves).
North Elsweyr Skyshards:
Below are basic instructions on where to find these skyshards:
- Near Riverhold, where the river falls: West of Riverhold
- In the ruins where Poachers Prowl: West of The Prowl
- At the creek’s end, where shadows dance: West of Hakoshae
- In a cart among Rimmen’s canes: West of Rimmen
- In a shattered crate beneath the Stiches: The Stiches
- In a hidden cave beneath the Moon Gate of Anequina: West of Moon Gate of Anequina
- Overlooking the buzzing hives of Merryvale farms: West of Merryvale
- Behind a burned out farmhouse: South East dragon spawn between Orcrest and Moon Temple
- In the Shadow of a dragon’s Wings: South West dragon spawn, East of Cicatrice
- On the ridgeline overlooking Ashen Scar: above Ashen Scar
- In The darkest depths of Orcrest, where all pipes converge: In Orcrest public dungeon sewers part
- On an altar, deep within the Rimmen necropolis: Northeast in Rimmen Necropolis public dungeon
- On an unsteady ledge, buffeted by the desert wind: Desert Wind Caverns delve, close to entrance
- Tucked away on the highest scarp of Predator Mesa: Predator Mesa delve, North
- At the mouth of a cave, in an ignoble abode: Abode of Ignominy delve, South East
- On an oil-slick island in Darkpool Mine: Darkpool Mine delve, Middle
- Hidden in the Tangle undergrowth: The Tangle delve, South East
- Protected by the armored guardians of the serpent tomb: Tomb of the Serpents delve, North West
South Elsweyr Skyshards:
First four Pellitine skyshards are found overland, while the last two are in delves.
Southern Elsweyr skyshard descriptions:
- Overlooking the coast, southeast of Doomstone Keep
- Where falling water meets the natural arch east of Black Heights
- Where water falls in the Western Plains
- Lurking inside a burned ruin in west Senchal
- Within the lower tunnels of the Forsaken Citadel
- Across a rope bridge in Moonlit Cove
Should be Stitches, not Snitches.
But snitches get stiches
17. Hidden in the Tangle undergrowth: The Tangle delve, South East
It is in the South West not SE